December, 2021.

This is a One Slice Toaster by Quixotic Bravado: Mini-projects, experiments, prototypes, and interesting art and technology diversions.


Skip the story and go right to the Real, Made-up Places Art Gallery for Brooklyn.

RMP Art: Samurai Mama – Place #253

RMP Art: Samurai Mama – Place #253

RMP Art: Black Rabbit – Place #208

RMP Art: Black Rabbit – Place #208


Sitting at the crossroads of geo-data, blockchain, and web3 is an interesting project called Places. Its mission is to create NFTs (non-fungible tokens) based on geographic locations as open data on the Ethereum blockchain. Each NFT contains basic information about the location: Name, address, coordinates, and a few descriptive attributes. Check them out.

There's also a growing art scene around generative art. This is AI, neural, and machine learning tools and programs which can take a descriptive prompt (or sentence) and interpret this into imagery.

So the question that led to this project: If someone took the data from a Places DAO (Distributed Autonomous Organization) NFT and used it as a prompt for an AI artwork commission – What would they get?